Building Student Tracking Mobile RFID Solutions with Building Trades and TracerPlus

April 15, 2020


When you are in charge of a vocational school and you realize that your normal sign in/sign out procedure for tracking your hundreds of students
is no longer up to par, what can you do? There are plenty of pre-made solutions but they don’t always have exactly what you need.  Of course, a
custom solution is an option but that can be cumbersome and expensive.  How do you bring your paper setup into the future? If you are Assistant
Director Paul Laccarrino from the Building Trades Educational Benefit Fund this is a very real problem. Thankfully he found the simple
solution for his complex problem, TracerPlus & RFID with the Zebra TC56 and RFD8500. 

 Read full story at TracerPlus News


Clearstream RFID, mobile rfid solutions, Student tracking

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