What You Need to Know About End-of-Life for Windows Mobile and CE versions of TracerPlus

February 11, 2021

Windows Mobile

As they periodically do from time to time, a trio of Microsoft software applications have run their course and are now at end-of-life and are no longer supported by Microsoft.

  • Windows CE
  • Windows Embedded Handheld (also known as Windows Mobile)
  • Windows Mobile Device Center

The lack of updates and patches for these products has created a significant increase in support requests, which has increased the cost to provide the support needed. While PTS and TracerPlus always strive to support operating systems and software beyond what is offered by the original developer, even we have to make some changes.

What Does This Mean For You?

If your current version of TracerPlus requires any of these Windows software applications, we want to make things easier for you until you can upgrade to an up-to-date and Comprehensive TracerPlus Support solution.

First, TracerPlus Support Plans will be automatically upgraded to Extended-Life-Support for any Windows CE and Windows Mobile TracerPlus licenses that renew after 12/30/2020. Extended-Life-Support is a premium support agreement that does not include automatic patch releases. If there is an issue that requires a patch to resolve it, it will only be done through a separate contract.

Next, if you want to transfer your license to Android or iOS devices, you can do so at no additional cost. As an added incentive, if you transfer your subscription licenses before March 31, 2021, you’ll get 50% off your first year’s subscription. If you prepaid for support through 2021, you’ll receive full credit value for your subscription license.

Also, if you’ve allowed your Windows Mobile or CE support plan to lapse, you can still transfer your inactive device license to a new subscription license for Android or iOS and you’ll receive a 25% discount if done before March 31, 2021.

Last, moving forward with TracerPlus version 11, we will no longer support devices running Windows CE or Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5.

When you’re ready to transfer your subscription license or upgrade your inventory management solution, purchase TracerPlus Support Plan online or give us a call. We’re ready to help you get the support you need to stay successful.


mobile app development, TracerPlus, windows

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